Pilot Projects for Preventing Extremism in the German Penal System and Probation Service
The German Youth Institute is also responsible for the formative evaluation of the pilot projects in the thematic area "Prevention and de-radicalization in the penal system and the probation service". Pilot projects across the country that are exploring new ways of preventing radicalization and facilitating de-radicalization within the penal system and the probation service have been supported by the "Live Democracy!" program since 2017. This support is being continued in the current funding period (from 2020 to 2024). The pilot projects aim to provide methods for countering radicalization, strengthening democratic positions and accompanying disengagement and exit. They should also contribute to the training of prison and probation staff in sensitive conflict management, in recognizing and preventing radicalization, and in countering all forms of discrimination in the penal system.
The (potential) target groups of the projects include:
- adolescents and young adults in the penal system and probationary service who are radicalized, at risk of being radicalized, or who show signs of anti-democratic attitudes
- staff in the penal system, probation services and youth services working in prisons, probation or youth services who are faced with radicalization and anti-democratic attitudes
- parents and family members as well as other significant persons
- state and civil society actors in the field