In the context of a campaign conducted by the Federal Ministry for the Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth on ‘Early Support for Parents and Children and Social Early-Warning Systems’, the Federal Centre for Health Education (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, BZgA) and the German Youth Institute (DJI) are jointly introducing an interdisciplinary "National Centre for Early Prevention" in May 2007. The centre is intended to help improve child protection systems in Germany by better preventing neglect and violence against babys and toddlers through evidencebased interventions and obligatory cooperations. It is aimed to support people involved in practical work in recognizing risks and burdens in families at an earlier stage more effectively and in providing appropriate support for families with high-risk of child neglect and/or maltreatment. The joint responsibility for the project is to serve as an example for the use of interdisciplinary collaborations in the research area of ‘early prevention’. BZgA ist thereby representing the public health system and DJI stands for competence in the youth welfare services.