Day care for children involves a broad range of activities that are currently undergoing many changes. New educational issues are constantly arising as a result of the introduction of curricular guidelines. In view of the dynamic nature of the changes taking place, it is difficult to keep track and take adequate notice of developments that are relevant to their work. All of this leads to a substantial need for advice and support. The aim of the ‘Content Management of an Internet Portal’ project is to use the web platform ‘Wissen & Wachsen‘ (Knowing and Growing) to provide assistance for specialists in offering children early support.
The core task of content management is to prepare materials featuring various major topics involved in the work of day-care facilities for children. Materials relevant to the major topics are being built up over a period of approximately four months. This involves presenting important topics in the education, care and upbringing of children aged 0–6 in a differentiated way, enriched with contributions providing original content. The selection of the content to be prepared in this form is based on the topics outlined in the curricular guidelines, which are now available for nearly all of the federal states of germany.


+49 89 62306-204
Deutsches Jugendinstitut
Nockherstr. 2
81541 Munich

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