Overview of the entire project

The previous reporting on the Kinderförderungsgesetz (Child Support Act; KiföG) pursued the objective of evaluating the development of the expansion of publicly funded U3 care. With the legal entitlement to such a place for all children from their first birthday onwards, the focus is shifting to the further development of the childcare offer. In addition to presenting the quantitative expansion and evaluating qualitative characteristics, the analyses of demand and the wishes of parents play a role in this context for the years 2014 to 2016. The aim of the analyses is to obtain statements from parents about the care of their children in day care centres and in day care for children under one year old, one year olds, and two year olds. In this context, it is important to clarify to what extent the care demands expressed by the parents can be justified by the family's life situation etc.

The following aspects are of particular interest:

  • Parents' expectations of the quality of childcare,
  • ideas of good childcare, and
  • quantitative demands (expansion target 750,000 places or more?).

As in the past, the KiföG evaluation (2014-2016) will be based on both the official child and youth welfare statistics and an additional survey of youth welfare offices and daycare providers. At the same time, both the parent survey and the federal state survey continue to collect data that reflect the perspective of parents with children under three years of age.

Evaluation reports of the nationwide parents' survey


Further information


+49 89 62306-322
Deutsches Jugendinstitut
Nockherstr. 2
81541 Munich

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