Since the start of the second funding period in 2020, the German Youth Institute has been responsible for the formative evaluation of the field of action "Promotion of Democracy".

Within the framework of the federal program "Live Democracy!", the field of action "Promotion of Democracy" supports pilot projects that explore new and innovative approaches to the democratic participation of children, adolescents and young adults.

The aim of the pilot projects is to develop and modify concepts and methods for imparting democratic principles, developing democratic competences and facilitating social and political participation. The work of the projects with their target groups (children, adolescents, young adults and (education) professionals) should be closely coordinated with the actors, structures and institutions that are relevant for socialization. The tried and tested concepts, experiences and approaches should be transferable to other project management organizations, practice fields and concepts.

34 pilot projects in two topic areas are being supported in this field of action (as of 31 December 2022):

  • promotion of democracy with adolescents and young adults (24 pilot projects)
  • promotion of democracy with children (10 pilot projects)

Further information on the individual projects can be found on the website of "Live Democracy!"