The Overall Evaluation of the Program
The German Youth Institute is responsible for the overall evaluation of the second funding phase of the federal program "Live Democracy!"
Within the framework of the federal program "Live Democracy!", the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) supports NGOs that are engaged in the following activities at the national, federal state or municipal level:
- promotion of democratic thinking and action as well as strengthening democratic (political) (everyday) structures and procedures
- contribution to shaping diversity in society
- countering political and ideological extremism and related radicalization
The program is an important part of the federal government's strategy for preventing extremism and promoting democracy.
Support is provided for Partnerships for Democracy at the municipal level and Democracy Centers at the federal state level, both of which are tasked with coordinating the activities of the program. Support is also provided to organizations and individuals affected by extremism or political violence, especially right-wing violence. At the national level, the Ministry supports NGOs as Competence Centers or Competence Networks to carry out nationwide services. Support is also given to pilot projects exploring new and innovative approaches in the thematic areas of the program "Live Democracy!" .
These four areas of support correspond to the fourfold structure of the federal program:
"Municipalities", "Federal States", "Federal Government" and "Pilot Projects".
Further information on the federal program can be found on its homepage: