How does family-life look like, when she is the main earner?
How is the everyday life of stepfamilies organised given their complex structure?

To answer these questions, the German Youth Institute carries out two sub studies within the framework of the EU-Project "FamiliesAndSocieties. Changing families and sustainable societies: Matching policies and diversity over the life course and across generations":

1) "New gender roles - Doing family of breadwinning mothers and engaged fathers”
This study examines the Doing family of two different family settings: Families in which the woman is earning the majority of the family-income and families with engaged fathers. The main question is how families live their everyday life and if, or how, new gender roles are negotiated within those types of families.

2) "Doing stepfamily "
This study examines the everyday life of stepfamilies. The focus lies on the grandparents in stepfamilies. 

The aim of the project is to analyse the diversity of family forms, relationships and biographies in Europe. There will be an exploration of how actual family policy fits with new family forms and the daily demands families are faced with. Consequently, the study wants to contribute to a scientific sound family policy.


+49 89 62306-317
Deutsches Jugendinstitut
Nockherstr. 2
81541 Munich

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