Below, you find a text, written by Dr. Sabrina Hoops and Bernd Holthusen, concerning the structure and tasks of child and youth services in terms of (pedagogical) crime prevention in Germany.
Centre for the Prevention of Youth Crime

Since its establishment in 1997, the Centre for the Prevention of Youth Crime has been providing information about approaches and strategies in youth crime prevention to professionals in the field and to policymakers, researchers, and the media.
Its core tasks include the ongoing monitoring of current developments connected to young people coming into conflict with the law or becoming victims of criminal behaviour; tracking developments in the field of crime prevention is also a major focus.
It compares the varied approaches to crime prevention pursued by child and youth services, schools, police, and the justice system at the conceptual level and evaluates the prerequisites and conditions of their outcomes. The Centre also conducts own empirical studies.
Evaluation of crime prevention: Two articles now available in English
We are pleased to provide you the following articles:
- The logical model as an instrument of evaluation in child an juvenile crime prevention by Annalena Yngorn and Sabrina Hoops. Please follow this link to download (for free).
- Prevention of Delinquency in childhood and adolescence – a complex subject for evaluations by Thomas A. Fischer, Bernd Holthusen, Annemarie Schmoll and Diana Willems. Please follow this link to download (for free).
The articles were first published in 2018 in German within the following publication: M. Walsh, B. Pniewski, M. Kober & A. Armborst (eds.): Evidenzorientierte Kriminalprävention in Deutschland. Ein Leitfaden für Politik und Praxis (pp. 289-312). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Support for Young Victims of Crime: a comparison

With Sara Thunberg (Örebro University, Sweden) Diana Willems, Annemarie Schmoll and Annalena Yngborn published a text in the European Journal of Criminology. It compares the support to young victims of crime in Sweden and Germany to see what can be learned between the countries regarding, for example, the organization and specialization.
A critical perspective: Children and young people as so-called “intensive offenders”

Here is a text, written by Bernd Holthusen, that describes the concept of the “intensive offender” and the way child and youth services, the police and the justice system deal with this group of children and young people in Germany.
An overview: Child and youth services in terms of crime prevention

Research project: Pathways to delinquency in between Youth Services and Justice

The project ‚Pathways to delinquency in between Youth Services and Justice‘ (2011-2014) focused violent male juveniles as addressee of Youth Services and Justice in Germany.
final report (in German)
A Report: Strategies of Violence Prevention
With their Decision dated 26th June 2003, the Head of the State Governments (henceforth MPK) re-emphasised that following the dreadful events at the Gutenberg Gymnasium in Erfurt, the entire social alliance for the rejection of violence and its glorification must be supported at the highest political levels.
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