In this project reoccurring surveys are undertaken that span across service areas and service agencies in order to gather data regarding the current situation and future developments of the child and youth services sector in Germany.

It is the goal to continuously generate data on structural parameters of statutory and voluntary service agencies and to interpret these for the professional development of the field. These data complement, among others, the official statistics on child and youth services and offer in-depth insights into the child and youth services field.

Currently in its sixth funding cycle, the project „Youth Welfare and Social Change - Services and Structures“ aims at:

  • Empirically reflecting current professional trends, providing the data to practitioners, political decision-makers as well as researchers and to interpret it with respect to future developments of the field.
  • Developing and validating instruments to analyze institutions in the child and youth services field.


The following tasks are being carried out in the project:

Quantitative Data Collections:Quantitative, standardized data collections among statutory and voluntary service agencies regarding the structural parameters of child and youth welfare services. more

Qualitative Data Collections: A qualitative study on current developments and changes in the professional concepts in non residential socio-educational services. more

Europe-wide Comparative Study: A qualitatively designed comparative study of mainstreaming children and youth with disabilities into the normal educational and care-giving system in a number of European countries. more



+49 89 62306-169
Deutsches Jugendinstitut
Nockherstr. 2
81541 Munich