The DJI curriculum on ‘Competence Qualifications in Child Day Care’ was published in 2002. It is designed for speakers at further training events for child minders, and provides content and educational guides and recommendations for communicating all of the relevant topics needed for obtaining basic qualifications in child day care (divided into sections entitled ‘Supporting children’, ‘Cooperating with parents’ and ‘Working conditions for child minders’). The curriculum was developed on the basis of a research project conducted over several years on the ‘Development and Evaluation of Curricular Elements for Developing Competence in Day Care Personnel’ (1998–2001). It currently represents the standard national competence qualification in Germany. Current changes in the relevant laws (the Day Care Extension Law and Youth Welfare Further Development Law), as well as further specialized developments in the area of ‘early education’ led the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth to request the German Youth Institute to produce a second, revised edition of the curriculum.


+49 89 62306-146
Deutsches Jugendinstitut
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81541 Munich

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