Quality development in early childhood education and care systems

The issue of defining, developing, and ensuring quality in early childhood education and care (ECEC) has been the subject of international and national professional discourse for years. Various approaches and methodologies for enhancing and guaranteeing quality have been implemented in several countries across Europe and beyond (see EU-CARE-Report 2016; OECD-Studie Starting Strong IV). The strategies being enacted and the insights gained from these initiatives provide impetus for Germany, where the advancement of quality in early childhood education and care remains a key agenda item.

Publication (German)
Nicole Klinkhammer, Britta Schäfer, Dana Harring, Anne Gwinner (Hrsg.):
Qualitätsmonitoring in der frühkindlichen Bildung und Betreuung.
Ansätze und Erfahrung aus ausgewählten Ländern

DJI-Fachforum Bildung und Erziehung, Band 13, DJI Verlag

Englisch version (download)