Additional questionnaire: Turkish and Russian population
In addition to the children's panel an additional survey covering a total of 500 children and their parents was conducted in families
- who either come from the former USSR or
- in which the child has Turkish citizenship as either the first or the second nationality.
In addition to the children's panel an additional survey covering a total of 500 children and their parents was conducted in families;
- who either come from the former USSR or
- in which the child has Turkish citizenship as either the first or the second nationality.
Objective of the additional survey:
It is the aim of the additional survey to provide comparative information from families who are unlikely to be able to participate in the main survey for the children's panel, due to their poor or completely lacking German language ability skills, either on the part of the children and/or their parents.
Methodical Approach
Design and sample:
The fundamental basis for the additional survey is represented by the older group (eight- year-old children) from the first stage of the children's panel. The survey included 250 children originating from the former UdSSR and their parents, as well as 250 children with Turkish nationality as either their 1st or 2nd citizenship, together with their parents respectively.
While the Turkish families were picked at random via the residents' registration office sample, the Russian families were selected using a snowball process.
Variables and survey instruments:
The survey will largely be conducted analogue to the children's panel, i.e. the 8 to 9 year-olds and their mothers will be interviewed verbally in person. The fathers will take part in a written survey.
In addition to the questionnaires and list booklets translated into Russian and Turkish respectively, the participants could also opt to use German-language questionnaires if they wished.
The questionnaires for both the children and the parents can be downloaded here in the respective dual-language versions (pdf-format):
Russian versions:
Verbal questionnaire for the 8 - 9 year-old children Russian version (199 KB)
Verbal questionnaire for the mothers and single-parent fathers, Russian version (279 KB)
Written questionnaire for fathers,Russian version(207KB)
Translations of the Russian versions:
Verbal questionnaire for the 8 - 9 year-old children translation of the Russian version (158KB)
Verbal questionnaire for the mothers and single-parent fathers, translation of the Russian version (198KB)
Written questionnaire for fathers, translation of the Russian version (182KB)
Turkish versions:
Verbal questionnaire for the 8 - 9 year-old children Turkish version (154KB)
Verbal questionnaire for the mothers and single-parent fathers, Turkish version (265KB)
Written questionnaire for fathers, Turkish version (214KB)
Translations of the Turkish versions:
Verbal questionnaire for the 8 - 9 year-old children translation of the Turkish version (154KB)
Verbal questionnaire for the mothers and single-parent fathers, translation of the Turkish version (182KB)
Written questionnaire for fathers, translation of the Turkish version (182KB)