Project design

The project partners include eleven institutions from seven European countries:

- Academus - Consultadoria, Formação e Investigação, Lda, Évora, PT
- Chance B - GmbH, Gleisdorf/Steiermark, AT
- Deutsches Jugendinstitut, München, DE
- Federation of Industrial Workers' Unions, Athen, GR
- IDEC S.A., Piraeus, GR
- Institut Social Lille Vauban Universite Catholique de Lille, Lille, FR
- Institutuul de Educatei, Bukarest, RO
- Pontydysgu, Pontypridd, UK
- p&w praxis und wissenschaft projekt gmbh, Ingolstadt, DE
- Rumänisches Justizministerium - Nationale Strafvollzugsbehörde, Bukarest, RO
- University of Salford, UK

In the context of the current ICONET project the ICOVET procedure is being employed in new fields of application, settings, and target groups.

- Three partners are developing strategies designed particularly for the target group of young migrants.
- The Austrian partner is using the procedure to assist the vocational development of people with disabilities.
- In cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the State Law Enforcement Agency the Romanian partner is further developing the ICOVET procedure for use in connection with juvenile prisoners.
- The British team, comprising two partners, is applying the ICOVET procedure to vocational training schools in Great Britain, in a complementary fashion to the German partner DJI which is seeking to adapt the procedure to the transition from school education to work or vocational training.
- Alongside the support of disadvantaged young people we also target the business community. Thus, our two Greek partners are responsible for transferring the ICOVET procedure to small and medium-sized enterprises and the industrial sector.

The ICOVET project can be regarded as a tool particularly suitable in the stages of preparation and review of work placements for young people whose school completion is at risk. Our ambition is to test and adapt the ICOVET method for application in the field of work placements. ICOVET is to stimulate a reflection process in young people concerning their experiences in the context of their work placements in order to find out what they have learnt during that time. A suitable area of application are the Bavarian Praxisklassen which involve a large degree of practical work experience. Moreover, the instrument can be employed in particular projects of youth work (federal pilot programme “2nd Chance”) whose aim it is to place young people into vocational training through traineeships.

ICOVET will be elaborated as a didactic tool for young people and their social workers. The tool will comprise the following components:
- a didactic concept
- a further education concept and a manual


+49 345 68178-33
Deutsches Jugendinstitut Außenstelle Halle
Franckeplatz 1
Haus 12/13 06110 Halle