
Within the framework of this EU-funded project, key results and experiences from the precursor project ICOVET are to be integrated into each of the partner countries’ system of career support programmes for disadvantaged people. The expectation is that in doing so, new avenues will open up for the institutions and organizations working in the field of vocational support for disadvantaged target groups.

The DJI School-to-work "Transition Longitudinal Study" revealed that certain groups of young people withdraw from the educational system at various stages of their learning careers. One aim of the project is to adjust the instruments and methods developed in the precursor project with regard to those youth already identified as having a high risk of exclusion.

Another objective of the project is to further develop the ICOVET instruments for their increased application in the context of support for disadvantaged people. This concerns in particular occupational orientation and the pre-vocational training year which have become compulsory for large segments of certain age groups. The main task here is to link up ICOVET with the occupational orientation tools already in place.

Finally, in the cases of Austria, France, Portugal and Romania, ICOVET is to be transferred to sectors which have yet to develop target group specific methods for the validation and documentation of informal competencies.


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