Centre for the Prevention of Youth Crime

Delinquency and victimization: addressee
Young people both commit delinquent acts and become victims of such acts themselves. Shifts in status from victim to offender (or vice-versa) are not uncommon. The Centre for the Prevention of Youth Crime examines delinquency and victimization among young people from socio-educational, developmental, and youth criminological perspectives. Looking at delinquency in young people from these perspectives indicates that it is a near-ubiquitous but largely episodic and transient phenomenon.
Delinquent behaviour can, however, become more persistent and more serious: some young people repeatedly commit offences that include serious offences. These multiple and serious young offenders are often under considerable stress (for instance because of their school or family situations or socio-emotional problems). Dealing with these troubled young people presents the police, bodies in the justice system, and child and youth services with complex challenges.
For young people attempting to cope with experiences of victimization, both informal support from family and friends and formal support services play an important role; the latter can include counselling provision offered by child and youth services or through the health care system.
Low-threshold access to such formal support services is an important prerequisite for reaching young people who have experienced victimization and providing them with support that is appropriate for their needs.
The Centre regularly compiles and expertly evaluates statistics and study results supplying information on young people who come into conflict with the law or become victims of criminal behaviour.