
Doing family in the digital age

Zerle-Elsäßer, Claudia/Langmeyer-Tornier, Alexandra/Naab, Thorsten/Heuberger, Stephan (2023):
Doing family in the digital age.
In: Skopek, Jan (Hrsg.): Research Handbook on Digital Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, S. 365–378
Today’s parents face significant challenges. Not only have family relationships become increasingly complex and the expectations of ‘good’ parenting augmented, but everyday family life also takes place in mediatized environments. Numerous strategies of doing family are therefore carried out via digital media. This concerns not only the organization and balancing of everyday life, but also the creation of togetherness between family members through the exchange of emotional messages or inquiries. Parents are the central figures in conveying media experiences and competencies to their children, but they often express uncertainty about the right strategy. The chapter provides a theoretical and empirical overview of ‘doing family in the digital age’ and includes some new illustrative empirical facts and figures from our current German Survey Study “Growing up in Germany”

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