
The German KiD 0-3 National Prevalence Study of Psychosocial Burdens in Early Childhood - First Results form the National Main Study

Liel, Christoph
The German KiD 0-3 National Prevalence Study of Psychosocial Burdens in Early Childhood - First Results form the National Main Study.
International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Bukarest "Konferenz." 29.09.2015
Objectives: Children growing up in families facing high levels of psychosocial burden are at increased risk of child maltreatment and development deficiencies. In Germany, where there is a paucity of population level data on risk factors, a representative national prevalence study of psychosocial burdens is conducted in 2015. The aim of the paper is to present first results of the national study. Method: In March/April 2015 data will be collected on the prevalence of psychosocial burdens from 9000 families with at least one child aged 0-3 years. Families are being recruited via 300 randomly chosen paediatric practices. Preparatory work in the form of two-pilot studies and an in-depth study has been on its way since 2013. The risk inventory (self-completion) has been compiled on the basis of factors identified in the literature and existing instruments. Results: Data will be presented regarding the prevalence of risk factors for child abuse and neglect. For instance, information on child characteristics (e.g. regulatory problems), parental characteristics (e.g. psychopathology) and sociodemographic factors will be available. In the pilot studies we could show, for example, that 22% of parents screened positively for depressive symptoms and 10% for domestic violence. In addition, we will be able to present data on the quality of the study approach. Conclusions: The national study will be using a new approach in this area of research in Germany by recruiting families via paediatricians instead of official population registers. After a promising pilot study in one city the results of the main study will show to what extent the expectations can be fulfilled nationally and provide data regarding the prevalence rates of various psychosocial risk factors for child abuse and neglect. Results are important for the field of studying risk epidemiology in early childhood and for the better planning of early prevention services.