DJI Online Lunchbag Session

Coparenting after divorce: The gendered role of stepfamily formation

Datum: 12. März 2025 13:00 Uhr - 14:00 Uhr

Cooperative coparenting, such as communicating about child-related issues or shared decision making, benefits children, but is challenging in the postdivorce situation, particularly when parents repartner. Earlier evidence shows that cooperative coparenting levels are low after divorce and that particularly father’s repartnering is associated with less coparenting. As most evidence relates to a time when the division of (postdivorce) child care was highly gendered, it remains to be seen whether similar patterns are found among more recent cohorts. Using recent Dutch data, I will describe the extent to which contemporary divorced parents engage in cooperative coparenting and analyze the gendered role of repartnering and stepfamily formation for former couples that differ in the extent to which they share parenting tasks.

Prof. Dr. Anne-Rigt Poortman is professor at the Dept. of Sociology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands (Chair: Family diversity and life course outcomes). She has specialized in family sociology and social demography. She is particularly interested in divorce and repartnering, postdivorce residence arrangements for children, new relationship types, and legal aspects of partner relationship.

Vortrag und Diskussion in englischer Sprache