9th Conference of the International Academy of Family Psychology

Online from Munich, Germany (UTC+2)  
October 10 – October 12, 2022


The International Academy of Family Psychology (IAFP) is a professional organization of family psychologists from around the world (see https://iafponline.com/) . Our conferences address a broad range of issues including “classical” themes such as partnership and child rearing in the context of family diversity, as well as current hot topics. This conference takes a special focus on family stress and coping. Keynotes and invited symposia will present research on families in times of war and forced migration, family life in the Covid‐19 pandemic, families facing high post‐separation conflict, and challenges of increasing digitalization. They will also inform about trauma therapy and discuss services of family support, which often involve multiprofessional collaboration and increasingly rely on digital tools.



09:00 – 09:30



Sabine Walper: Welcome and Presidential Address



09:30 – 10:15

Plenary Keynote 1

Rita Rosner: Supporting Traumatized Children and Youth after Flight or Displacement

10:15 – 10:30

Coffee break


Parallel Sessions

10:30 – 11:45

Break-out Session 1


Psychoeducation in Disasters

Break-out Session 2

Individual Paper Session:

Parents in the COVID-19 Pandemic


Chair: Koubun Wakashima

Discussant: Koubun Wakashima & Michiko Ikuta

Chair: Harald Werneck

10:30 – 10:50

Nihonmatsu, N.: Disaster Psychoeducation for Individuals

Hermesch, N., Salo, K., Randall, A.K., Chiarolanza, C. & Milek, A.: The Double Burden of Work and Childcare for Parents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Work-Family Conflict as Stressor for Individual and Relational Well-Being

10:50 – 11:10

Sakamoto, K.: Development of Disaster Psychoeducation Content Focused on Family Systems

Neuberger, F., Maly-Motta, H., Grgic, M., Fackler, S. & Kuger, S.: Daycare Closures and Parents’ and Children’s Subjective Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Longitudinal Analysis in Germany

11:10 – 11:30

Takagi, G.: The Effect of Feedback in Self-Care Tool Based on Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: From the Perspective of Providing Psychoeducation for the Community in Disaster

Masturzi, A., Donato, S., Pagani, A.F., Parise, M. & Chiarolanza, C.: Couples’ Functioning during Weekdays and Weekends at the time of COVID-19

11:30 – 11:45



11:45 – 12:45

Coffee & Posters I


  • Break-out Session 1
    Koiwa, K. & Wakashima, K.: Comparison of Japanese and American Attitudes toward People who Failed at “Taking a Hint”
  • Break-out Session 2
    Seki, F., Koiwa, K. & Wakashima, K.: An Examination of Related Models of Burnout Tendency in Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia -Focusing on Caregiving Situation, Social Support, and Sense of Loss
  • Break-out Session 3
    Suzukida, E. & Yamane, T.: Examination of How Families of Children with Developmental Disabilities Demonstrate Family Resilience
  • Break-out Session 4
    Schretzmann, J., Fischer, M., Ditzen, B. & Baernighausen, T.: Relationship Satisfaction and Metabolic Health – a Cross-Sectional Study in a Burkinabe Population of Older Adults

12:45 – 13:30

Lunch break

13:30 – 15:15

Invited Symposium

War, Trauma, and Flight: an Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Consequences for Affected Families


Chair: Tobias Hecker

Discussant: Laura K. Taylor

13:30 – 13:50

Scharpf, F., Kyaruzi, E., Mkinga, G., Bwire Masath, F. & Hecker, T.: The Role of Parental Factors for the Mental Health of Refugee Youth: Evidence from a Multi-Informant Study with Burundian Families

13:50 – 14:10

Gredebäck, G. & Hall, J.: How do Parent’s Traumatic Experiences and Mental Health Impact the Cognitive Development of Refugee Children?

14:10 – 14:30

Thompson, P.O., Hall, J. & Walsh, J.I.: Threat, Empathy, and Acceptance of Forcibly Displaced Persons

14:30 – 14:50

Diab, S.Y., Punamäki, R-L. & Peltonen, K.: Family Approach to Wellbeing and Achievement among War-affected Palestinian Children

14:50 – 15:15


15:15 – 15:30

Coffee break


Parallel Sessions

15:30 – 16:50

Break-out Session 1

Individual Paper Session:

Clinical Interventions

Break-out Session 2


A Focus on Children in the Norwegian Dynamics of Family Conflict (FAMC) Study: Children as Reporters, Children as their own Agents and Children in Different Time-Sharing Arrangements


Chair: Beate Ditzen

Chair: Linda Larsen, Maria Morbech & Olav Tveit

15:30 – 15:50

Zhao, H., Zhang, J. & Gao, F.: Parenting Styles and Chinese Youths’ Eating Disorder Symptoms: The Mediating Effects of Emotion Dysregulation

Morbech, M., Gustavson, K. & Holt, T.: Children in Different Time-Sharing Arrangements when Parents Live Apart in Norway: A Longitudinal Study of Family Relations and Child Mental Wellbeing

15:50 – 16:10

Meijer, L., Finkenauer, C., Blankers, M., de Gee, A., Kramer, J., Shields-Zeeman, L. & Thomaes, K.: Development and Randomized Controlled Trial of A Preventive Blended Care Parenting Intervention for Parents with PTSD

Larsen, L., Schauber, S.K., Holt, T., & Helland, M.S.: Child Mental Health and Wellbeing during COVID-19: A Focus on Children’s Self-Report

16:10 – 16:30

Dippel, N., In-Albon, T., Schneider, S., Christiansen, H. & Brakemeier; E.-L.: CBASP@YoungAge - A Modular Treatment Program for Children and Adolescents with Depression and Interpersonal Problems

Tveit, O. & Helland, M.S.: Interparental Conflict and Children’s Agency during Parental Separation

16:30 – 16:50



16:50 – 17:30

Coffee & Posters II


  • Break-out Session 1
    Acuña Arango, L.M., Cabrera García, V.E., Docal Millán, M.C. & Jeanette Samper, J.: An Experience Accompanying Families Outside the Therapeutic Setting: Family Counseling Process as a Significant System –PAFSS
  • Break-out Session 2
    Kadera, S. & Wächter, N.: Young People on the Internet: To What Extent can Digital Skills Protect against Negative Online Experiences?
  • Break-out Session 3
    Körner, R., Schütz, A., Zverling, E. & Sha’ked, A.: The Power of Attachment: Examining Actor and Partner Associations Between Attachment Models and Experienced Power in German and Israeli Couples
  • Break-out Session 4
    Friedrich, A.-S., Freischlager, L., Siegel, M. & Zemp, M.: Longitudinal Psychological Family Studies in Austria: A Scoping Review

17:30 – 18:30

Plenary Keynote Lecture

John Thoburn & Myroslava Muchkevych: The PsyCorps Model of Mental Health Support Training – Experiences from Ukraine


08:50 – 09:00

Welcome back (Sabine Walper)




Parallel Sessions

09:00 – 10:15

Break-out Session 1


Family Changes in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Break-out Session 2


Divorce, Parental Conflicts, Coparenting & Adolescent Adjustment


Chair: Koubun Wakashima

Discussant: Koubun Wakashima & Michiko Ikuta

Chair: Rianne van Dijk & Inge van der Valk

Discussant: Alexandra Langmeyer

09:00 – 09:20

Kamoshida, S. & Kobayashi, D.: Family Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan

Swartz – den Hollander, E., Van der Valk, I., van Elven, B. & Branje, S.: Parental Divorce and Children’s Adjustment: An Updated Meta-Analysis

09:20 – 09:40

Asai, K.: Family Functions in COVID-19

Van Dijk, R., Van der Valk, I., Dekoviċ, M. & Branje, S.: A Meta-Analysis on Interparental Conflict, Parenting, and Child Adjustment in Divorced Families: Examining Mediation Using Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Models

09:40 – 10:00

Koiwa, K.: The Role of Family Therapy in the Expanding COVID-19 Condition

Rejaän, Z., Van der Valk, I. & Branje, S.: Postdivorce Coparenting Patterns and Relations with Adolescent Adjustment

10:00 – 10:15



10:15 – 10:30

Coffee break





Parallel Sessions

10:30 – 12:05

Break-out Session 1

Individual Paper Session:

Young People in the COVID-19 Pandemic

Break-out Session 2


Custody Arrangements, Shared Parenting, and Child Adjustment after Divorce


Chair: Susan Branje

Chair: Inge van der Valk & Zoë Rejaän

Discussant: Inge van der Valk

10:30 – 10:50

Ayiro, L. & Misigo, B.L.: Strategies used by Kenyan Girls to Cope with Stress during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Holt, T. & Helland, M.S.: Interparental Conflict Trajectories across various Post-separation Time-sharing Arrangements: Results from a Family Dynamics Study

10:50 – 11:10

Nunes, F., Pinheiro Mota, C., Ferreira, T. & Mena Matos, P.: Stability and Change in Adolescents’ Attachment to Parents: Effects of Sex, Family Disadvantage, and Pandemic Stress

Langmeyer, A., Recksiedler, C., Entleitner-Phleps, C. & Walper, S.: Child Adjustment after Separation and Divorce in Germany: The Importance of Physical Custody Arrangement and Parental Coparenting

11:10 – 11:30

Smrdelj, R. & Lenarčič, B.: When the Crowds are Gone: Sociality and Information-Communication Technologies during the SARS-CoV-2 Epidemic in Slovenia

Rejaän, Z.: Parent-Adolescent Contact and Belonging in Post-Divorce Families: Examining Residential and Digital Contact with Mothers and Fathers

11:30 – 11:50

Reis, O., Kölch, M., Spitzer, C. & Knabe, A.: Families with Mentally Ill Members during the First Wave in Germany – Results from a Qualitative Network Study

Konrath, E. & Werneck, W.: Joint Physical Custody in Austria: Family Characteristics, Factors Affecting the Choice and Effects on Child Well-being

11:50 – 12:05



12:05 – 12:45

Membership Meeting

12:45 – 13:30

Lunch break

13:30 – 14:15


Plenary Keynote 2:

Sonia Livingstone: Opportunities and Challenges of Digitization for Family Life



Parallel Sessions

14:15 – 15:50

Break-out Session 1


Screening Instruments and Digital Platforms in Interventions for Divorced and Separated Parents

Break-out Session 2


Paternal and Maternal Influences on Child Development: Asian, European, and North American contexts


Chair: Inge van der Valk, Mariska Klein Velderman & Sabine Walper

Discussant: Mariska Klein Velderman

Chair: Xuan Li


14:15 – 14:35

Hald, G.M., Strizzi, J.M., Cipric, A. & Sander, S.: The Divorce Conflict Scale

Yang, R., Li, X. & Zhang, C.: Paternal and Maternal Influences on Children’s Gender Beliefs and Self-esteem

14:35 – 14:55

Goorden, O., Janssen, B. & Van der Valk, I.: SCRES – SCReening and Evaluation for Post-Separation Intervention

Lux, U. & Walper, S.: A systemic Perspective on Children’s Emotional Insecurity in Relation to Father: Links to Parenting, Interparental Conflict and Children’s Social Well-being

14:55 – 15:15

Sander, S., Cipric, A., Strizzi, J.M., Øverup, C.S., Lange, T., Štulhofer, A. & Hald, G.M.: When Marriage Fails: The Content and Effects of the Digital “Cooperation after Divorce” Intervention Platform

Yu, Y.: Comparing Mothers’ and Fathers’ Pedagogical Questioning during Everyday Conversations with Young Children

15:15 – 15:35

Walper, S. , Baumeister, H., Boll, C., Ditzen, B., Fischer, M., Rassenhofer, M., Schmidt-Hertha, B., Schumann, E. & Uemminghaus, M.: Supporting Couples in Trouble and Separated Families: The STARK Online Platform


15:35 – 15:50



15:50 – 16:15

Coffee break



Parallel Sessions

16:15 – 17:15

Break-out Session 1

Individual Paper Session:

Families in COVID-19

Break-out Session 2

Invited Workshop:

Lynda Sagrestano: Landscape Analysis of The Content and Delivery of Online Parenting Programs for Separated and Divorcing Families in the US


Chair: Paula Mena de Matos

Chair: Janin Zimmermann

16:15 – 16:45

Acuña Arango, L.M., Aguirre Burneo, M.E., Alcocer Orozco, B.A., Alegría, M., Blanco, V., Bolzon, L.C., Cabrera García, V.E., Campos García, A.X., Carias, D., Castro, R., Cereceda, M., Dimer de Vicente, M.D., Docal Millán, M.C, Fortin, L., González Larre, M.S., Riveros-Munévar, E.F., Valle Galo, E.E., Zabaleta Costa, L. I.: Family Coping Strategies Post COVID-19 Confinement: Multinational Latin American Study


16:45 – 17:05

Canzi, E., Ferrari, L., Barni, D., Ranieri, S., Danioni, F.V., La Fico, G., Rosnati, R.: Adoptive Families and the Prolonged Pandemic: Which Resources and Vulnerabilities?


17:05 – 17:15



17:15 – 17:30

Coffee Break

17:30– 18:30


Plenary Keynote 3

Irwin Sandler & Karey O‘Hara: Promoting Resilience for Children Exposed to Post-Separation/Divorce Interparental Conflict: Theory and Intervention


08:50 – 09:00

Welcome back (Sabine Walper)




Parallel Sessions

09:00 – 10:15

Break-out Session 1


Post-Separation Parenting Smartphone Apps: Can they help Families avoid Conflict?

Break-out Session 2


The COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact on Adolescents, Parents and Gender Equality


Chair & Discussant: Leanne Smith

Chair: Silje Baardstu

Discussant: Mona Bekkhus

09:00 – 09:20

Smyth, B. & Payne, J.: Family Law Professionals’ Views on Post-Separation Parenting Apps

Donker, M., Mastrotheodoros, S., & Branje, S.: The Moderating Role of Personality on Changes in Adolescents’ Stress, Parent-Child Relationship Quality and Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic

09:20 – 09:40

Smyth, B.: A Critical Evaluation of Post-Separation Parenting Apps using Human Computer Interaction Methods

Helland, M.S. & Baardstu, S.: Profiles and Predictors of Parenting Stress throughout the Pandemic

09:40 – 10:00

Payne, J.: Separated Parents’ Experiences with Post-Separation Parenting Apps

Baardstu, S., Helland, M.S. & Holt, T.: Toward a Backlash in Gender Equality? Nuances in the Gendered Division of Family Work among Norwegian Mothers and Fathers during the COVID-19 pandemic

10:00 – 10:15



10:15 – 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 – 11:15

Plenary Keynote 4

Anna Rönkä: Family Services and Social Networks in Supporting Coparenthood among New Parents



Parallel Sessions

11:15 – 12:45

Break-out Session 1


Coparenting as a Family and Social Backbone: Meanings, Outcomes and Change

Break-out Session 2


Interventions to Support Positive Coping with Parental Separation


Chair: Marisa Matias & Paula Mena de Matos

Chair: Mariska Klein Velderman

Discussant: Inge van der Valk

11:15 – 11:35

Melim, B., Ito, D., Tamelin, M., Garraio, C., Carvalho, M., Ferreira, T., Mena Matos, P. & Matias, M.: “Expecting our first baby”: Expectations on the Division of Domestic Labour and Care in Prospective Coparenting - A Qualitative and Cross-National Study

Klein Velderman M., Pannebakker F., Huizing A., Wildeman I. & Reijneveld S.: Post-Separation Preventive Group Intervention Divorce Atlas Offers Parents Psycho Education and Support

11:35 – 11:55

Diniz, E. & Duarte, D.: Father Involvement and Maternal Stress: The Mediating Role of Cooperative Co-Parenting

Walper, S. & Amberg, S.: Strengthening Emotional Sensitivity and Competence to Support Coping with Divorce: The Program “Kinder im Blick”

11:55 – 12:15

Lira de Lima Guerra, L., Barham Setti, A.G., Salvadori Sarmento, R., Ramos de Carvalho, T. & Barham, E.J.: Evaluation of the Effects of the Family Foundations Program for Brazilian Couples

Goorden, O. & Janssen, B.: Ouderschap Blijft (Parenthood Continues)


12:15 – 12:35

Zimmermann, J., Walper, S., Kindler, H. & Lux, U.: Child Adjustment in the Context of High Coparenting and Legal Conflict Following Separation


12:35 – 12:45



12:45 – 13:30

Lunch break



Parallel Sessions

13:30 – 15:10

Break-out Session 1

Individual Paper Session:

Family Relations and Support Services

Break-out Session 2


Risk Assessment in Child Protection


Chair: Johanna Löchner

Chair: Judith Iffland & Susanne Witte

13:30 – 13:50

Liese, D., Löchner, J., Paulus, M., Sandner, E. & Lux. U.: A Real-Time Assessment Approach of Risks and Resources for Parenting Stress in the Transition to Parenthood

Iffland, J.A. & Schmidt, A.F.: Risk Assessment of Male Guardians with CSEM or Other Sex Offences in Family Law Proceedings

13:50 – 14:10

Li, X., Sun, K., Ren, L. & Fan, J.: Work-Family Conflict of First time Urban Chinese Fathers

Watts, P.: When does Pornography Become a Risk Factor in Family Assessments?

14:10 – 14:30

Lux U. & Ulrich, S.M.: Use of Prevention Services in Nuclear, Single Parent and Stepfamilies with and without Social Welfare Receipt – What Makes the Difference?

Witte, S.: Risk Factor Assessment in Relation to Mothers and Fathers – a Comparison of Investigations into Suspected Child Maltreatment in Three European Countries

14:30 – 14:50

Siegel, M., Assenmacher, C., Meuwly, N. & Zemp, Z.: Love Makes a Family, Law Shapes a Family: Legal Vulnerability as a Systemic Stressor for Same-Gender Parent Families


14:50 – 15:05



15:05 – 15:30

Farewell and Welcome of the New President of IAFP