Workshop Program[2]Workshop Concept[3]Abstracts and who is who[4]

Thursday, 20th OCTOBER 2011

Multi-locality – A New Condition for Postmodern Family Life: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches
9:30Welcoming Remarks
 Prof. Dr. Thomas Rauschenbach, Director and Chairman of the Board and Wolfgang Müller, Director of Administration, DJI, Munich
 Dr. Indra Willms-Hoff and Prof. Dr. Hagen Hof, Volkswagen Foundation, Hannover
 Dr. Michaela Schier, Research Group “Multi-local Families“, DJI, and Dr. Karin Jurczyk, DJI, Munich
10:00Multi-locality and the pluralisation of living arrangements: How and why is family life changing over the course of the last 50 years?[5]
 Dr. Detlev Lück, Federal Institute for Population Research, Wiesbaden
10:30Multi-local living: A time-geographic perspective[6]
 Prof. Dr. Peter Weichhart, Univ. of Vienna
11:00Coffee break  

1st Session: Conceptualizing Family Life beyond Household Boundaries and in a Mobile World

Chair: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange, Univ. of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten Discussion: Dr. Susan Thieme, Univ. of Zurich  
11:30Doing family under multi-local conditions[7]  
 Dr. Michaela Schier, Research Group “Multi-local Families“, DJI, Munich  
12:00A conceptual journey between multi-local and transnational family[8]  
 Dr. Cédric Duchene-Lacroix, Univ. of Basel  
12:30Families in space: a configurational perspective[9]  
 Prof. Eric Widmer Ph.D., Univ. of Geneva  
13:00Commentary and discussion of session 1  
13:30Lunch break  

2nd Session: Researching Multi-local Spaces and Family Relationships beyond Household Boundaries

Chair: Dr. Nicola Hilti, ETH Zurich Discussion: Dr. Elisabeth Bühler, Univ. of Zurich  
14:30Researching the multi-local everyday life of families[10]  
 Dr. Michaela Schier, Research Group “Multi-local Families“, DJI, Munich  
15:00Creating closeness within transnational families: methodological challenges of researching communication, nation and emotion[11]  
 Prof. Loretta Baldassar Ph.D., Univ. of Western Australia/Monash University  
15:30Mobile relations, mobile shadows. Understanding contemporary urban daily life through shadowing techniques[12]  
 Paola Jirón Ph.D. and Susana Cortés, Univ. of Chile, Santiago  
16:00Coffee break  
16:30How to handle layers of complexity: the methodological challenge of multiple perspectives in multigenerational family research  
 Prof. Dr. Anna Brake, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg  
17:00Quantitative approaches to family relationships beyond household boundaries[13]  
 Dr. Walter Bien, DJI, Munich  
17:30Commentary and discussion of session 2  
19:30Conference dinner  
Friday, 21st OCTOBER 2011 
Multi-local Everyday Life of Post-Separation Families: An Example 
3rd Session: Living in/Commuting between Two Families – Children as Multi-local Agents 
Chair: Dr. Sabina Schutter, DJI, Munich Discussion: Prof. An-Magritt Jensen Ph.D., Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
9:00Living in two worlds: a German case study on children in post-separation families[14] 
 Diane Nimmo, Research Group “Multi-local Families“, DJI, Munich 
9:30Shared residence and the best interest of the child. Rights, agency and age dilemmas[15] 
 Dr. Gry Mette D. Haugen, NTNU Social Research AS, Trondheim 
10:00Children's construction of home between two households; the significance of the journey in their everyday lives[16] 
 Tonje Lauritzen, Eastern Norway Research Institute, Lillehammer 
10:30Coffee break 
11:00Spatial and temporal orientations of mobile children in post-separation and post-divorce families 
 Christian Piontek, Univ. of Kassel 
11:30Negotiated family identity – multi-locally living children constructing family[17] 
 Tino Schlinzig, TU Dresden 
12:00Commentary and discussion of session 3 
Lunch break

4th Session: Doing Post-Separation Family: New Challenges for Parents and their New Partners

Chair: Dr. Valerie Heintz-Martin, DJI, Munich Discussion: Dr. Ulrike Zartler, Univ. of Vienna 
13:30Challenges and opportunities of multi-local post-separation family life for parents in Germany[18] 
 Anna Proske and Nina Bathmann, Research Group “Multi-local Families“ (DJI), Munich 
14:00The continuity and discontinuity of family routines and rituals after separation[19] 
 Wilma Bakker, Univ. of Amsterdam 
14:30Couple relationships and female work migration: how married and separated mothers deal with children's care across borders[20] 
 Paola Bonizzoni Ph.D., Univ. of Milan 
15:00Coffee break 
15:30The Role of technology in supporting parent-child contact during separation[21] 
 Svetlana Yarosh, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta 
Commentary and discussion of session 4
Closing Conference
16:30Concluding Remarks and Prospects 
Moderation: Dr. Karin Jurczyk, DJI, Munich
Panelists: Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange, Univ. of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten; Dr. Ulrike Zartler, Univ. of Vienna; Prof. Dr. Gerald Wood, Univ. of Münster and Dr. Sylvia Pintarits, City of Munich, Department of Urban Planning
17:30Estimated end time top



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