Informationsnetzwerk über gesundheitsbezogene Präventionsprojekte für Jugendliche in der EU
Acheson, D.: Independant Inquiry into Inequalities in Health. Report, Stationery Office1998Botvin, G. J./Tortu, S.: Preventing adolescent substance abuse through life skills training, in: R. H. Price, E. L. Cowen, R. P. Lorion and J. R.-McKay (Eds.): 14 ounces of prevention: A casebook for practitioners, 1988, pp. 98-110
BZgA: Soziale Ungleichheit und Gesundheit in Europa, Köln 2001
Crepet, P.: Das tödliche Gefühl der Leere - Suizid bei Jugendlichen. Hamburg 1996
Currie, C./Hurrelmann, K./Settertobulte, W./Smith, R./Todd, J. (2000): Health and Health
Behaviour among Young People: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: a WHO Cross-National Study (HBSC). International Report. Hrsg. von World Health Organization, in: Health Policy for Children and Adolescents (HEPCA), Series No.1. Kopenhagen
Eurocare: Alcohol Problems in the Family. A report of the European Union, Luxembourg, Brussels 1998
European Commission: The report on the state of young people‘s health in the EU, Luxemburg 2000 (available on the Internet
European Commission: Europeans and AIDS. Results of the Eurobarometers Surveys 43.0 and 43.1, Luxembourg, 1996
Evans, R. I.: Prevention of smoking in adolescence: Conceptualization and intervention strategies of a prototypical research programme, in: S. Maes, C. D. Spielberger, P. B. Defares u. I. G. Sarason: Topics in Health Psychology, pp. 107-125
Hackauf, H./Winzen, G.: On the state of young people's health in the European Union, Munich, 1.09.1999 (is available upon request from the European Union Commission, DG SANCO F/3, L-2920 Luxembourg
Jessor, R./Jessor, S. L.: Problem behaviour and psychosocial development: A longitudinal study of youth, New York 1977
Jessor, R./Donovan, J. E./Widmer, F. M.: Beyond adolescence: Problem behaviour and young adult development, New York 1991
King, A./Wold, B./Tudor-Smith, C./Harel, Y.: The Health of Youth: A Cross-National Survey, WHO Regional Publications. European Series; No. 69. WHO Regional Office for Europe. Kopenhagen 1996
Lohaus, A.: Gesundheitsförderung und Krankheitsprävention im Kindes- und Jugendalter, Göttingen, Bern, Toronto, Seattle 1993
Petermann, F./Petermann, U.: Training mit Jugendlichen. Förderung von Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten, 6. Edition, Göttingen 2000
Raithel, J: Unfallursache: Jugendliches Risikoverhalten, Weinheim 1999
Segest, E., Mygind, O., Jorgensen, W., Bechgaard, M. and Fallov, J.: Free condoms in youth clubs in Copenhagen, in: Journal of Adolescence, 13, 1990, pp. 17-24
Slonim-Nevo, V, Ozawa, M. N. and Auslander, W. F.: Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to AIDS among youth in residential centres: Results from an exploratory study, in: Journal of Adolescence, 14, 1991, pp. 17-33
Tobler, N. S./Stratton, H. H.: Effectiveness of school based drug prevention programs: A meta-analysis of the research, in: Journal of Primary Prevention, 18, 1997, p. 71-128
Vlaams Institut voor Gezondheidspromotie: Report on the Role of Health Promotion in Tackling Inequalitites, Brussels 2002
Wirtschaft und Statistik: Alkoholunfälle im Straßenverkehr 1998. In: Statistisches Bundesamt (Hrsg.): Wirtschaft und Statistik, 8, 1999, p. 631-638
Wollnik, R.: Interkulturelles Netzwerk der Jugendsozialarbeit im Landkreis Hameln-Pyrmont, in: Impulse, Juni 2000, p. 12-13