Hornfeck, Fabienne/Garbade, Maike/Kappler, Selina/Pfeiffer, Elisa/Sachser, Cedric/Rosner, Rita/Kindler, Heinz (20.08.2024): Trajectories of mental health problems in unaccompanied young refugees in Germany and the impact of postmigration factors. Vortrag. ISPCAN Congress „Working Together in Times of Crisis.“ Oral 7. „Voices of Children, Implications for Practice.“ International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN). Uppsala, Schweden
Hornfeck, Fabienne/Eglinsky, Jenny/Garbade, Maike/Kappler, Selina/Rosner, Rita/Kindler, Heinz/Sachser, Cedric/Pfeiffer, Elisa (25.03.2023): Mental Health in Unaccompanied Young Refugees and impact of post flight factors on PTSD, depression and anxiety. Posterpräsentation. SRCD 2023 Biennial Meeting. Poster Session 18 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). Salt Lake City, USA


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