The DJI Youth Survey is part of the continuous social reporting done at the German Youth Institute. Repeated representative surveys have been conducted with similar or even identical questionnaires. So it is possible to analyze change of the situation of young people and young adults, of their attitudes and of their behavior. The first wave conducted in 1992 provides basic figures for the successive waves. The second wave was conducted in 1997, the third wave in 2003.

The DJI youth survey is a representative study about youths and young adults aged 16 to 29 (in the third wave aged 12 to 29). The broad age range of the target group was chosen in order to include all phases of youth. This does justice to the fact that educational processes take longer and the biographies of young people have become more complicated.

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+49 89 62306-322
Deutsches Jugendinstitut
Nockherstr. 2
81541 Munich

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