Updating of the First Commented Data Report on Equal Rights for Women and Men in Germany

The Federal Ministry for the Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Young People (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ) has commissioned the German Youth Institute (Deutsche Jugendinstitut, DJI) at short notice with the task of updating the first commented data report on equal rights for men and women. It has only been possible to do this on a selective basis. The updating was therefore basically limited to further processing of continuing data being collected by the Federal Office of Statistics. Where it appeared particularly urgent, however, more thorough revision was carried out. This applied to those aspects that are particularly strongly affected by changes in the law in recent years, such as unemployment and social security. In addition to the continuing data, the updated report therefore also incorporates the initial findings on gender-differentiated effects of the new employment and social policy. The report has been submitted to the BMFSFJ.

The 2005 version of the First Data Report on Equal Rights for Women and Men in Germany is available on the Internet at: Online publication ‘1. Datenreport zur Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in der BRD’The updated 2007 version has not yet been released.