Study on the Development of All-Day Schools

The establishment and extension of all-day schooling is playing an important role in the current educational debate. In association with the BMBF’s ‘Future Education and Care’ investment programme (Investitionsprogramm Zukunft Bildung und Betreuung, IZBB), the federal states are initiating important reform projects in the field of schooling and/or are continuing already existing initiatives and programmes.
Against this background, the ‘Study on the Development of All-Day Schools’ [Studie zur Entwicklung von Ganztagsschulen, StEG] is being conducted as an inter-state research programme on the development of all-day schools and all-day educational services. In a research consortium including the German Institute for International Educational Research (principal investigator: Prof. E. Klieme), the Institute for School Development Research (principal investigator: Prof. H.G. Holtappels) and the German Youth Institute (principal investigator: Prof. Th. Rauschenbach), the project is longitudinally investigating large samples of schools in three survey phases. In accordance with the current state of school and youth research, a large number of head teachers, pupils, parents, teachers and other educational staff, as well as external partners (e.g., youth services, social and cultural institutions), are being interviewed.
Due to the broad initial survey (May to July 2005), the analyses feature a number of different major emphases. On a broad empirical basis, it will be possible to make well-founded statements about the design and development of all-day services.