Children longitudinal study

Methodical Approach
Children today live in a new environment governed by changes in economic situation, family-structures and society. The opportunities open to them have increased in some ways (e.g. as a result of communication media), but have also become more restricted in others (e.g. number of siblings). Many children are encouraged early on to act independently and form their own social relationships. Their success at shaping their lebensraum and social relationships depends upon how their personalities develop in the respective situations. They fall back here upon personal, economic and social resources which are, however, distributed unequally. The aim of the research study is two-fold: on the one hand, it attempts to describe the complex situation children find themselves in by means of a social report about children. And on the other, attempts are made to discuss the influences of different living environments upon children's personal development.
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Additional questionnaire: Turkish and Russian population
In addition to the children's panel an additional survey covering a total of 500 children and their parents was conducted in families
- who either come from the former USSR or
- in which the child has Turkish citizenship as either the first or the second nationality.