Methodical Approach

The Centre for European Youth Policy will conduct comparative empirical research on Youth Work and Democracy focussing on various European states. The goal of this comparative research is to expand and systematise the current standard of knowledge with a focus on the concepts and institutional context (e.g. the level of cooperation between public authorities and voluntary child and youth service organisations).


As part of its comparative research activities, the Centre will both conduct and evaluate its own empirical studies (mainly qualitative, semi-structured interviews with experts from research and practice) as well as perform secondary analyses of existing data (e. g. data from Eurostat, European reports, or national research projects). The concept adopts a policy analysis approach (cf. Blum/Schubert 2011).


The Centre for European Youth Policy will thus be able to make a valuable contribution to the development of scientific theories, seeing as policy fields based on the voluntary, multi-dimensional implementation of European (youth) policy have hardly been considered in governance approaches so far. Even though it must be expected that resource constraints will make it impossible to examine all European states in detail, the primary and secondary analyses conducted as part of this project will add to comparative institutional and practical field research at a European level.


The empirical research is meant to contribute to the topics of Youth Work and Democracy and to pool, systematise, and expand the current (European) standard of knowledge. The guiding idea is therefore, above all, the identification of political creative leeway and development potential in light of the heterogeneous framework conditions.


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