European social reporting

The German Federal Government is subject to various European reporting obligations when it comes to European youth policy. AeJP collects the necessary knowledge for the processing of these reporting obligations, analyzes it and prepares it in the sense of a science-based reporting. One example of such a reporting obligation is the so-called “Future National Activity Planner” ( In addition, in this field we work on making European reporting accessible to German experts. For example, the EU Youth Report published in 2021 (SWD(2021) 287 final and SWD(2021) 286 final) was translated into German and commented on.

Selected AeJP publications:

Hofmann-van de Poll, Frederike/Pelzer, Marit (forthcoming): Wissensbasiert und erkenntnisgestützt? Ein Blick auf evidenzbasierte Jugendpolitik. In: Forum Jugendarbeit International.

Hofmann-van de Poll, Frederike/Rottach, Andreas (2022): Der EU-Jugendbericht 2021 - Impulse für jugendpolitische Diskurse in Deutschland. In: Forum Jugendhilfe. H. 1, S. 40-47

Translation of the EU Youth Report:

Click below to access the unofficial German translation of the document “The situation of young people in the European Union” (SWD(2021) 287 final) as well as the “Commission Staff Working Document Accompanying the document Report on the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy” (2019-2021) (SWD(2021) 286 final).


+49 89 62306-142
Deutsches Jugendinstitut
Nockherstr. 2
81541 Munich