Knowledge generated within the framework of AeJP’s own research and reporting is published in peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as prepared in a manner geared towards policymaking and application in practice. It is made available to the German and European public by means of lectures and publications (see Publications and Knowledge Transfer). The Centre for European Youth Policy represents the German Youth Institute in various bodies, such as the Expert Committee on Child and Youth (Welfare) Policy in Europe of the AGJ, the National Advisory Board for the EU programs Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps and the Advisory Board of the Transfer Agency for the Implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda in Germany.
Selected AeJP publications:
Hofmann-van de Poll, Frederike (2020): Note on the renewed EU Dashboard of indicators in the youth field and its use in monitoring the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy. Notiz für die EU-Expertengruppe “EU indicators in the youth field”. Unveröffentlichtes Dokument.
Hofmann-van de Poll, Frederike/Rottach, Andreas (2020): Die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft und die Europäische Jugendpolitik. In: Forum Jugendhilfe. H. 3, S. 9-17.
Pelzer, Marit/Hofmann-van de Poll, Frederike (2020): Youth Work in Europa. Im Blick der Wissenschaft. Online-Artikel zu „Debatten und Dialog.“ Arbeitsstelle Eigenständige Jugendpolitik. [online unter:]
Hofmann-van de Poll, Frederike/Pelzer, Marit (2019): Jugendpolitik für Europa. Die Umsetzung der EU-Jugendstrategie in Deutschland – Bilanz und Ausblick. In: DJI-Impulse. Recht auf einen Ganztagsplatz. Potenziale des geplanten Rechtsanspruchs im Grundschulalter. Nr. 122, H. 2, S. 40-41 [online unter:]